What is the Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program (BFPSP)?
The City is offering owners of residential dwellings (single family and duplex homes) a financial subsidy to install a sump pump with sump pump overflow and/or backwater valve(s) and/or disconnect foundation drains from the floor drain.
​What the program covers:
Install Backwater Valve(s) – (Licensed plumber required* – We are certified to do this work) Up to 80% of cost ($1,000 maximum)
Install sump pump with sump pump overflow and disconnect foundation drains to floor drains. Up to 80% of cost ($1,750 maximum)
Install only sump pump overflow to discharge outside to surface (applies to existing sump pumps only) Up to 80% of cost ($300 maximum)
Install backwater valve and sump pump with sump pump overflow Up to 80% of cost ($2,800 maximum**)
Disconnect foundation drains from floor drain and/or dye testing and camera work as required up to 80% of cost ($400 maximum)
*Disputes with respect to qualifying work will be resolved by the City Engineer and/or the Chief Building Official or their designate.
What the program does not cover:
Replacement of existing sump pump
Upgrade of sump pump
Addition of another sump pump
Installation of a sump pump when foundation drains are already separated from floor drain or sanitary sewer
Work performed for which a permit cannot be obtained.
Who is eligible for this program?
This program is available to homeowners who live in the City of Windsor and do not have amounts owing to the City such as back taxes or overdue payments.
You can view the latest information from the City of Windsor
Start your application today:
Basement Flooding Protection Subsidy Program